a unique advertising solution that works


Your ads will be displayed at many locations, sending your message to more customers than ever before.


We target ads at highly trafficed indoor locations. It's very hard for customers to miss these targeted ads.


You can manage your content from anywhere. Just login to your account and modify your ads.

100 +


20 +

Happy Clients

7 +


100k +

Monthly Reach

About Us

  • A unique advertising solutions and media company. OTT advertising solutions
  • One of the very few companies to use AI and IoT concepts in media and advertising solutions
  • We are a value for money media and advertising company for all businesses and organizations
  • Higher reach potential, our solution has more then 52% recall rates
  • Over 100K reach monthly
  • 3 countries, 10+ states

Advertising with Web of Ads is as easy as 1-2-3